Nary a Breeze

September 11, 2011


Since I couldn’t go out on September 6 because of the wind, I decided that heading out on the morning of September was the way to go.  While I didn’t feel a whole lot of breeze when I got to the marina, I still thought if might be worth going out.  Well, once I got out to the river and raised the main (quite easily given how calm it was) there was no breeze of any kind at all.  I tried to motor all the way to the bay, and got the genoa up quite easily as well, but since there wasn’t any wind, it looked kind of stupid.


Once I decided it wasn’t really worth staying out, I motored back toward the river and Hercules was working quite nicely in forward, though stilled raced a bit too much in reverse.  And the shift to neutral seems almost non-existent.  This may need some attention of a professional or a more careful look at the manual.


On the way out of the marina, I spent time looking at the Macgregor next door to see what else I may have to do to Ilya, including, but not limited to: install two cleats for for the bow lines; install a guide on the port side for the anchor rode (the starboard side has the furling line for the genoa in it and I don’t want an anchor rode to snap that); install baby stays for the mast and figure out how to lower the mast using some kind of system.  I’ll go to the forums to ask people how that might be done.


Note: I ordered a copy of This Old Boat by Don Casey to learn how to install items into and onto the deck of the boat so I can learn exactly how to install the items listed above.


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